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Jersey Royal Potato Salad

Jersey Royal Potato Salad

This is everyone's favourite kind of salad - filled with potatoes and bacon! This salad would perfectly accompany a juicy steak or can be eaten on its own as a lunch or dinner.

You can shop the ingredients here!



  • Bring a large pan of water to the boil and add in your potatoes, put the lid on and cook for around 10 minutes or until they start to turn soft so you can poke a fork through. 
  • Fry off your bacon in another pan, we like ours crisp so cook a little longer than normal but cook to your preferred taste. 
  • Once your potatoes are cooked, drain them and add into a large bowl. 
  • Mix in the bacon, mayonnaise, spring onions (save some to garnish) and the zest and juice of your lemon. Mix until fully combined. 
  • Salt and pepper to taste and sprinkle the remaining spring onions on top. 

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