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One Ingredient Banana Ice-Cream!

One Ingredient Banana Ice-Cream!

With the weather turning hotter over the next week, give this easy and healthy cool down recipe a go, so simple with only one ingredient! It's a great alternate, and dairy free option to the normal calorific ice-cream!



  1. Remove banana's from the freezer and place in a food processor, blend until smooth and creamy.
  2. Transfer the mixture into a plastic container and freeze for four hours, or until solid.
  3. ENJOY!

You can also add extra's to this recipe, but hey then it wouldn't be a one ingredient recipe!

  • Try adding other frozen fruits to the mix to add some extra flavour
  • Add vanilla extract to give it a more Vanilla Ice-cream flavour
  • Add chocolate when blending for Chocolate Banana flavour

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Comments 1
  • HIlary

    Found WattsFarms when returned home in the middle lockdown after a horrendous holiday, when all the major supermarkets where in chaos, they were a lifesaver, great quality, excellent service, I continue to use them every 4-6 weeks as the meat fish and poultry are of a very high standard, they also have a few things that are a little bit different. I would highly recommend

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