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Chocolate Tiffin

Chocolate Tiffin

This Tiffin is as easy to make as it is delicious, and you can adjust the ingredients depending on what you have in. You could substitute half the biscuits for nuts, cherries for raisins, drizzle with milk chocolate rather than white, etc etc. We used digestives as the biscuit in ours but shortbread would be another tasty option

You can shop the ingredients here!



  • Grease a 15-20cm tin with softened butter and line with baking parchment. In a large saucepan, melt the butter, sugar, syrup and cocoa. Stir through the biscuits chunks.

  • Pour the mixture into the prepared tin and press down, then smooth the top with the back of a spoon. Microwave both chocolates in short 20 second bursts, stirring frequently, until melted. Pour them over the mixture in the tin. Use a palette knife or spoon to smooth over, so it's completely coated in chocolate.
  • Then melt the white chocolate and drizzle over with a spoon or spatula
  • Put the tin into the fridge and leave overnight or a minimum of two hours. Run a kitchen knife under the hot tap then cut into squares.

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